Broadcaster Armstrong Williams addressed the phenomenon on his network of MSM media outlets in late July. All jobs and all businesses that people depend on for livelihoods, sustenance and survival are essential in their own way. Each one of these regional banks is owned by private banks. En plus, lorsqu’une entreprise voit qu’un marché s’ouvre, ils sont plutôt contents. It is a distasteful fact that the present situation is so dire in part because the banks fell right back into bad behavior after the last crash—taking too many risks, hiding debt in complex instruments and off-balance-sheet entities, and generally exploiting loopholes in laws intended to rein in their greed. It was Mark Skidmore, an Economics Professor at the University of Michigan, who became the main sleuth responsible for identifying the gargantuan amount of federal funds that the US government can’t account for. Fines extending from hundreds of millions into more than a billion dollars were placed on each of the offending banks. La retraite à 60 ans n’est plus viable. In this essay I draw a contrast between the privately-owned regional banks of the Federal Reserve and the government-owned Bank of Canada that once issued low-interest loans to build infrastructure projects. As explained by Ellen Brown in her essay, Meet BlackRock: The New Great Vampire Squid, the Federal Reserve can only purchase “safe federally-guaranteed assets.” As a private company, BlackRock apparently faces no such restrictions. Why should those most responsible for creating the most excessive risks to the financial wellbeing of our societies be protected from bearing the consequences of the very risks they themselves created? For instance, strategic records entailed in federal investigations into many business scandals were lost. He refused to accept the conditions and carried on the established policies of Belarus, a country that has “not implemented strict coronavirus containment measures.”. Lukashenko said no to the loan. Quarantines, however, involve isolating the sick to protect the well. Then popular resistance was aroused to reject government attempts to enforce a second wave of lockdowns against a second wave of supposed infections. In, for instance, the financial bailouts of 2007 to 2010 the largest part of the newly-created money ended up in the coffers of the wealthy whereas the new debt created ended up as part of a US national debt. The hard financial slam on the small business sector, therefore, is packing a heavy punch on the economic conditions of everyone. The 2016 Conference on Inclusive Capitalism took place in New York on October 9 th and 10 th.This was our third-annual invitation-only event and a signature milestone in gathering the world’s most important leaders who are committed to creating a more inclusive global economy. Ce  » reste  » omniprésent et nombreux qui jouent pour garder le pouvoir pour eux et leurs copains , au détriment du reste de la population . A spotlight on these differences helps illuminate the nature of a number of core financial issues. When he first met Pound, Mullins was an art school student and a veteran of the US Air Force. Welche ist diese neue Waffe, die am Golf und in Beirut eingesetzt wurde? In a book of the same name, former ADL Executive Director, Abe Foxman, has opened the discussion of Jews and Money. Ces qui ont un gros salaire peuvent ensuite choisir de capitaliser pour avoir plus. The problems with calculating case numbers extend to widespread reports that have described people who were not tested for COVID-19 but who nevertheless received notices from officials counting them as COVID-19 positive. In the days of the Fed’s founding and even today, the name of J.P. Morgan is synonymous with New York banking. Ryder reflected. At first it seemed the lockdown succeeded magnificently in saving Israeli lives. Will COVID-19 change governments forever? Sans doute la moins mauvaise solution serait un mélange entre tout ça… et je suis parfois stupéfait de constater que parfois, vous donnez l’impression qu’il est préférable de crever dans un système qui va éclater plutôt que mettre ses économies dans « le privé ». Affichez votre refus , dans la rue , dans votre jardin , sur vous ……. In the twenty-first century it happened that some of the cosmetic overlays were removed that had previously been imposed to disguise the large representation of Jews in Wall Street banking, including in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. One of the reasons for including a private company in the trio of partners involved in the payouts is to sneak around limitations on the legal powers of the Federal Reserve. As I read his text, he accurately conveyed how the large Jewish influence in the banking institution of Europe, including the influence of the Rothschild consortium, was extended into Wall Street including the Federal Reserve. In the case of the New York Fed, which is located in the Wall Street area of Manhattan, its largest shareowners are behemoth multinational banks, including JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Why not treat this moment as an opening to reset the global economy in a way that would restore the Bank of Canada to some of its former functions. c’est votre droit -) revenez en arriére sur les scandales sortis depuis SARKO, ceux la peuvent entrer au Guiness Book des Records, Avec le « frère » Delevoye ce serait plutôt la stratégie en TROIS points ^^. These instruments are well known hedges when one has knowledge that a world crisis is imminent. The emergence of information that the banks were working together to rig the interest rate created the basis for a huge economic scandal. Regardez cet article des Echos du mois de septembre dernier. As the world heads towards a new normal the relationships between governments, businesses and individuals will be changed forever. For instance, the governments of Sweden and South Korea did not accept the emerging orthodoxy about enforcing compliance with all kinds of restrictions on human interactions. The structural problems already identified in the process initiated to implement the CARES Act could have enormous consequences if the current economic crisis continues to deteriorate. Might the payouts this time around to derivative-addicted Wall Street firms like Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase exceed the scale of the prior bailout? Lockdowns in the movement of raw materials, parts, finished products, expertise, money and more shut down domestic businesses in China as well as transnational commerce in many countries outside China. est le site sur lequel Charles Sannat s’exprime quotidiennement et livre un décryptage impertinent et sans concession de l’actualité économique. Why is the Canadian government turning to the very firm that emerged as Wall Street’s main fixer and winner in the 2008 bailouts? That powers of debt-lite money creation invested by Parliament in the Bank of Canada have never been formally withdrawn. Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Maryland, Director General and CEO of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation, Director, Artificial Intelligence Office, UAE Government. Pound threw himself into the contest producing a torrent of radio broadcasts seeking to win over English-speaking converts to the Axis side. Fink apparently got Trudeau interested in attracting private investors to the project of improving or building Canadian infrastructure projects like roads, high-speed trains, airports and such. These manifestations of malfeasance all spin out of a scandal-prone Malaysian sovereign wealth fund administered by Goldman Sachs. Hadley Gamble. Alternatively, the government of Israel was an early and strident enforcer of very severe lockdown policies. What if recessions weren’t always about the losses we incur but also the possible gains we can make? Patron aussi de Taddeo , une entreprise de com …… Là pas besoin de dessin ! Accordingly, there is ample cause to ask if there are major underlying reasons for the financial crash of 2020 other than the misnamed pandemic and the lockdowns done in its name of “flattening” its spikes of infection. While the world is disproportionately experiencing the detriments of the COVID-19 pandemic, policymakers are keen on rebuilding public healthcare systems to be more resilient and agile. » – Mayer Amshel Rothschild. [5] Siehe unser Dossier « Carlyle Group ». The sensibilities of the dominant Christian constituency in the United States probably influenced the decisions of many customers shopping for banking services. Il y a 230 ans en arrière, le peuple avait trouvé la solution…. Foundation, discusses the ways in which technology can shape our world in this global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and beyond. Das umstrittene Texanische Unternehmen war eines der ersten Halbleiter-Unternehmen der Welt. In different studies around remote work during the pandemic, 53% of responders reported lower productivity The act of loaning money with interest gradually spread throughout Europe. question, j’entends toujours les mêmes rengaines, travailler plus longtemps pour moins. Il n’y a que les naïfs qui n’avaient pas compris la démarche enclenchée depuis un bon moment, à commencer par les mutuelles et dans quelques années la Sécu ! Jean Louis. The arbitrary division of activities into essential and nonessential categories created a template to be frequently replicated and revised in the name of serving public heath. The notoriously inept decisions and actions of Citigroup had played a significant role in the lead up to the financial debacle of 2007 to 2010. In spite, however, of its comparatively mild flu-like effects on human health, at least at this point in the summer of 2020, there has never been a contagion whose spread has generated so much global publicity and hype. Pound was indicted in the United States in 1943 and arrested at the war’s end by the US Armed Forces in Italy. !… Retrouver de la dignité nous permettrait de prendre un peu plus de recul pour se rendre compte de ce qu’on nous dépèce chaque années un peu plus sur le plan social mais aussi humain. Major Douglas’ vision of Social Credit, one that Pound enthusiastically embraced, sought to bring about greater harmony and equilibrium between the forces of production and consumption. les médias mainstream qui, après nous l’avoir vendu,voici qu’ils assurent désormais le service après vente en faisant la promotion de la réforme des retraites. Did we evolve as a humanity or devolve? The results extended, for instance, to the closure of schools, sports events, theatrical presentations and business operations. One of the most obvious ways to avert further calamity is to move away altogether from the empowerment of private bankers to massively expand national debts with compound interest charged to tax payers. The presence of a major Wall Street firm in the process, however, apparently gave the advocates of the Fed’s supposed independence from politics a sense that they retained some leverage in the process. Die Erfinder und Anmelder waren die vier verschwundenen Chinesen und der Nutznießer ist niemand anderer als Freescale Semiconductor. März 2014. It seems that the economic descent is still gathering force. [6] “Israel’s Secret Iran Attack Plan: Electronic Warfare” von Elie Lake, The Daily Beast, 16 de noviembre de 2011. This partnership between John Perkins and the kleptocratic agencies directed by the US government has long been drawing wealth from struggling countries by pushing them more deeply into national indebtedness. Laurence Douglas Fink. [4] “Malaysia jet hidden by Electronic Weaponry? In the spring of 2020 BlackRock has been hired by the Bank of Canada and by Sweden’s Central Bank, the Riksbank, to deliver on the approaches to crisis management its representatives had laid out at Jackson Hole. The bankers’ continuing fixation with unregulated gambling, often with other people’s money, is deeply menacing for the future of the global economy…. Justin Trudeau seems unwilling or unable to provide a coherent answer to this question and others requiring thoughtful replies rather than barrages of platitudes. The modernist poet and scholar, Ezra Pound, was one of the most influential literary figures of the twentieth century. By returning derivative speculations to the protections of federal financial backstops, taxpayers are once again forced to assume responsibility for the most outlandish risks of Wall Street’s high rollers. Whether in Germany or the United States or many other countries, front line workers in this health care crisis have nevertheless gathered together with the goal of trying to correct the one-sided prejudices of of discriminatory media coverage. The brunt of the financial onslaught hit small businesses especially hard. While Major Douglas and John Maynard Keynes each denounced one another’s work, both sought to stimulate economic activity by expanding the supply and distribution of money. They are the creatures of inconvenient chaos. The text has been republished many times, sometimes in different editions under the title Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Considering the nature of our current predicaments including obscene levels of economic inequality, usury might yet again arouse contentions. La retraite à 60 ans est acquise depuis les années 80 et les gros bonnets ont multiplié leur richesse par 100 ou 200, voir plus, les multi-nationales grossissent tellement qu’elles deviennent incontrôlables par les gouvernements, quand elles ne les achètent pas purement et simplement, des milliardaires naissent chaque semaine et nous il faudrait qu’on gobe ça! One of these agencies is empowered to bring into existence large quantities of debt-laden money. Donc avant de confier votre argent à des fonds »vautours » pour votre retraite, penser à la crise des subprimes de 2008 ou des milliers de retaités Américains qui ont capitalisé durant leurs vies de travail se sont retrouvés ruinés. He cites, for instance the New York Times on January of 1920 where it states, “The Federal Reserve is a fount of credit not capital.” The manipulation of credit, however, can greatly affect the industrial economy by affecting the ability of manufacturers and farmers to produce. [3] “Lessons from Blackstone for BlackRock”, von Jeffrey Goldfarb, The New York Times, January 23, 2014. Simultaneously it is burdening the rest of the population with yet another massive increase in both personal and national indebtedness. The authors argue that this misrepresentation was deployed because the deceivers are apparently “desperate” to prevent Congress from conducting an investigation for the second time in twelve years on why the Fed, “had to engage in trillions of dollars of Wall Street bailouts.” In spite of the Fed’s fear of facing a Congressional investigation after the November 2020 vote, such a timely investigation of the US financial sector would well serve the public interest. The Bank of Canada could still revert back to the direct creation of Canadian currency to be spent into an economy of national recovery; to be spent in investments in infrastructure as well as in cultivating and applying the creative skills of the Canadian people. In 1948 Eustace Mullins joined Pound’s circle. la suite du programme c’est quoi? Governments need to address their post-COVID-19 response strategies. As the supply chains broke down domestically and internationally, many enterprises lacked the revenue to pay their expenses. par Charles Sannat | 10 Déc 2019 | A la une, Politique et économie | 34 commentaires. global trade, the consequences it may pose in the following period, and what long term changes may occur as a result. As Mullins explains it, the Federal Reserve was founded in extreme secrecy and often employs deceptive tactics to misrepresent its true nature. Mais dites donc, Pierre 82 et tous ceux qui pensent que le système actuel est obsolète et rêvent de capitalisation, avez vous déja pensé à tout le fric que l’on pourrait récupérer, évasion fiscale et paradis fiscaux, Tva du e-commerce, taxation des bénéfices financiers, mais aussi, sur tous les robots qui, dans les usines, remplacent les ouvriers et employés qui eux, paieraient des cotisations sociales s’ils n’étaient remplacés par des machines…. Where do the large quantities of money supporting the activities the Israel project come from? Partnoy writes. en laissant en héritage , les couts attendus des procès engagés devant les tribunaux US , non pas aux USA , mais bel et bien à l’Allemagne. Who gets the assets and who gets the liabilities that coalesce to form indebtedness? They developed all sorts of ways of elaborating their financial services and presenting them in new packages. Anthony James Hall has been Editor In Chief of the American Herald Tribune since its inception. La pollution de l’air, un sujet étouffé en Pologne ? This prior experience bodes poorly for the intervention by the same players in this current round of responses to the economic crisis of 2020. In December of 2007 as in the autumn of 2019, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was forced to enter the picture to keep the financial pumps on Wall Street primed. Vous pouvez vous abonner gratuitement à la lettre d’information quotidienne sur The case is made that the pull of some Jews into banking came about in part because of their exclusion from other occupations. la gestion des réserves d’or de la France ! BlackRock emerged from an older Wall Street firm called Blackstone. There is nothing to suggest structural remediation in the current approach to the economic crisis. Some of these banks received additional funds from other parts of the overall bailout transaction. Such issues inevitably draw attention to the current manifestations of very old questions about the character of money and its relationship to the concepts of usury and debt. Cela ne date pas d’hier mais depuis plus de 70 ans Destruction des pans entiers de notre économie depuis 1970 = Sidérurgie, textile, électronique etc. The nature of the response to 9/11 emphasized the mercenary ascent of corporate dominance as the primary force directing governments. In this session, best-selling author of 'Nudge' and 'How Change Happens' Prof. Cass Sunstein will share his insights It would be hard to overestimate the significance of this prominent Wall Street firm’s return to a strategic role near the very heart of this major exercise of federal power. Freescale Semiconductor rühmt sich, dass seine Produkte Anwendung in der Kommunikation auf dem Schlachtfeld fänden; Aviatik; Marschflugkörperleitung; elektronische Kampfführung und Aufklärung über Freund oder Feind. The value of these products was affected, for instance, by unpredictable shifts in interest rates, liar loans extended to homebuyers who lacked the capacity to make regular mortgage payments, and significant shifts in the value of real estate. Nevertheless, some explicit reckoning with this topic is crucial to understanding some of the essential themes addressed in this essay. Why would it be that the Federal Reserve is any less involved in creating the available credit for the waging of wars in the twenty-first century than it was in creating the wars of the twentieth century? Jackson’s political career culminated in his winning the US presidency between 1829 and 1837. Dimon was photographed with staff wearing a mask and taking the knee. Are these changes constant? They write, “Congress and the executive branch of the government seem determined to protect Wall Street criminals, which simply assures their proliferation.”. Vous pensez qu’ils sont plongeurs dans des restos? ,qui fit fortune ne l’oublions pas ,chez Rothschild en encaissant de grosses commissions sur des affaires juteuses!! One possible reason might have been to put in place new structures to create the framework for a new set of economic relationships. Si ce n’est pas le cas, il faut soit augmenter l’âge des retraites, soit augmenter mes prélèvements, soit diminuer les pensions. Après ses études, Larry Fink rejoint New York et travaille pour la banque First Boston, où il participe à la mise en place du marché de la titrisation. Le Capital group se trouve à la 3eme place des deux consortiums. Pam Martens and Russ Martens express dismay at the failure of US officialdom to hold Wall Street institutions accountable for the crime spree of some of its biggest firms. Kirkland and Ellis was retained to defend Goldman Sachs in this matter. The Fed can leverage this amount by ten times according to the principles of fractional reserve banking. The creation of the Bank of Canada drew on the ideas of Abraham Lincoln and also on those of many other theorists including Major C.H. Alterations in the values of fixed assets affect the value of derivatives that often take the form of contracts between two or more parties. Even the act of asking such questions will be seen by some as heretical. The other side of debt is embodied in assets. The PCR system that is presently being widely used does not test for the virus but tests for the existence of antibodies produced in response to many health challenges including the common cold. Lincoln led the US federal government throughout the US Civil War. Formation et début de carrière. These controversial queries arise in an era when a tiny minority is aggressively asserting sweeping claims to ownership of vast concentrations of the world’s available assets. After the war the Bank of Canada lent money at very low rates of interest to the municipal, provincial and national governments. Since 2016 Citigroup has become once again the biggest risk taker by loading itself up with more derivative speculations than any other financial institution in the world.