An award-winning film that has been called "A Must Watch" by Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus and Director of The Hunger Games, Gary Ross. Two young Germans spend three and a half years traveling around the world just by hitchhiking, bus, train and ship. It is quite possible I can compile all my family videos from our vacations, add some acoustic guitar to the mix, and submit it. His ... See full summary ».

Our kitchen blended mid century elements with a rustic feel. Who would have thought that being on holiday and free to do whatever you please is actually more pleasant than working a stressful 9 to 5 job? But then another part of me is motivated. Rudi had to have surgery and the US didn’t give us a Visa at first. Von This coupple of "new age hipies" enjoys motnhs of travel without any job. Da ist es wesentlich besser angelegt als auf dem Bankkonto der Beiden... Wer ein wirkliches Abenteuer erwartet oder etwas über Menschen und Kultur auf dem amerikanischen Kontintent erfahren möchte, dem kann ich den Film nicht empfehlen. Expedition Happiness - the title feels forced, the whole documentary has nothing to do with Happiness, even though sometimes Felix Starck and Selima Taibi feel like they have to explain them self to the world with nonsense voice-overs.
It's a poorly executed vlog at best. Ich bin schon lange nicht mehr mit so einem negativen Gefühl aus dem Kino gestolpert - ja, ich war fast sauer, dass so etwas auf der großen Leinwand läuft. This FAQ is empty. On his 25th birthday, Anselm starts a journey across Africa on a bicycle with two friends.

Für mich kein Reisefilm, eher schwacher Feel-Good-Pseudo-Trip.
| I miss the days when people would just do things, without filming them, branding them, and marketing them.

Auch die Story ist mau: Es geht hauptsächlich um einen Hund, mit dem ziemlich unverantwortlich umgegangen wird. John David Washington, Kenneth Branagh, Robert Pattinson, Mit His movie about the trip “Pedal The World” became the most successful documentary of the last few years in Germany. Traveling the vast spaces of an enormous continent in search of something more. Schließe mich leider den ganzen negativen Kommentaren an. Self-entitled crybabies who find their lack of planning refreshingly spontaneous, but international customs and immigration unfair. What to Watch if You Miss the "Game of Thrones" Cast. Also spart euch das Geld, geht selbst vor die Tür und erlebt eine wirkliche, eure Expedition Happiness. 6- The blatant abuse of their dog was shocking. I did not have any expectations when I went to the movie theater to see "Expedition Happiness", just hoped for some Sunday evening entertainment with nice pictures and some travel vibe. Or even get one from Canada, Washington or Montana, just to be closer to the initial point. Hard to disappoint that, but this movie made it. Young millennial German fueled by wanderlust and a lack of real world responsibilities travels the globe by bike, peddling across 22 countries and over 20,000 kms to find meaning in life. Das meiste Gesprochene ist leider entweder derart abgedroschen, oberflächlich und augenscheinig, das man es sich hätte auch sparen können: ‚Großartig‘, ‚atemberaubend‘, ‚an diesem Fluss aufzuwachen, das ist Glück‘ Heiner Lauterbach, Jürgen Vogel, Hilmi Sözer, Mit In der Summe zu viele pathetische Floskeln über den Sinn des Lebens und das Reisen, die allerhöchstens für Wenigreisende Anfang 20 noch ganz nett und inspirierend klingen... Sie kam in dem Film sehr sympathisch und authentisch rüber, aber Felix wirkte sowohl im Film als auch in der Frage & Antwort-Runde sehr arrogant. But before starting our road trip we had to make an RV out of the 40 foot bus. Mark Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway, Tim Robbins, Mit Die Dokumentation hat in etwa soviel Tiefgang und bietet genau so viel Motivation wie die abgegriffenen Sprüche die im Hipster- Bus an der Wand hängen. This movie made me terminate my Netflix account. Why do you not train him to be obedient so he can be off leash and not drag you around? I got quite excited at the beginning when the couple buys an old schoolbus, thinking "you could make something so cool and cosy out of this". Nicht einmal technisch war der Film gut - da ist jeder durchschnittliche Reiseclip auf YouTube auf gleichem Niveau. Together with our dog Rudi we embarked on our biggest adventure yet. 2- The locations they visit are as stereotypical hipster as it gets. Looking for something to watch?

Those hipsters just stick to regular tourist destinations.

3-The camera work was mediocre at best. If this movie was scripted and played by actors, it would have been absolutely brilliant. Ist für meinen Geschmack viel zu oberflächlig und allgemein. Eigenlob stinkt eben. Findet man aber auch überall auf Youtube oder in den selbstgemachten Urlaubsfilmen im Freundeskreis. And so our travels and our search for happiness didn’t end at some exotic place on the other side of the globe but at the dinner table in Germany – with our families on Christmas. Directed by Felix Starck. Nach Pedal the World bin ich davon ausgegangen, dass die zwei Protagonisten diesen Trip machen, mit dem klaren Ziel am Ende einen Kinofilm zu präsentieren. Mit seiner Fahrrad-Dokumentation "Pedal The World" wurde er berühmt, nun geht Felix Starck erneut auf Reisen und hält seinen Trip als Dokumentation fest. They always talked about how they loved meeting new people, but their relationships with the locals seemed slightly parasitic. 1 min read, Tell us about how you discovered your love of the ice. What a combination of home and being far away! North America brought us closer together. Add the first question. ("Enjoy the ride", "Home is where I'm with you") Milla Jovovich, Tony Jaa, Deine Meinung zu FILMSTARTS | | Jobs | Hardly an adventure travel epic and not particularly well filmed - alot of selfies and talking to the camera. Sie reisen zu Gletschern und durchqueren Wüsten und Dschungel. 6 min read, Emanuel and I became acquainted through place when my husband and I took a trip to the Kootenays, a region…, Features Daran hätte man vorher natürlich nicht denken können. In Mexiko wird unkommentiert eine Chilifabrik besucht, der Zuschauer wird aber nicht erfahren, was dort wirklich hergestellt wird, es wird eine Maya Pyramide bestiegen, ohne ein einziges Wort über den Ort zu verlieren, was gäbe es auch über Kultur, Geschichte, Bedeutung zu erzählen? We woke up in front of the highest mountain peak of North America and stayed the night at the lowest point at 86m below sea level.

The question is "Who paid the bus, the expendetures, the fees, etc.? Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Also, broadcasting that you met a narco in Mexico probably isn't the best thing you should do. Solomon Gordon, Henning Baum, Leighanne Esperanzate, Mit Dankbarkeit, eine solche Reise antreten zu können, kommt beim Zuschauer überhaupt nicht an. For even more, visit our Family Entertainment Guide. They’ve dubbed their adventure “ Expedition Happiness.” The couple recently wrapped up a jaunt to the Grand Canyon and are now just north of the Mexican border. You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. Eigentlich tolles Privileg, aber man hört die beiden nur jammern. Josephine Langford, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Dylan Sprouse, Mit Go somewhere that hasn't been visited a million times. Über uns | It's like money never plays a role in life, until you have to literally pay for your own mistakes at the border of the USA, then you mope about for three weeks and then some.

4- I understand the semantics that are involved with border crossing and visas for countries in the Americas is something most Europeans aren't used to and can be absolutely enraging. I enjoy travelling, but their 'expedition happiness' is so boring that I prefer to stay home. 1like = 1 prey 4 rudi, The only successful delivery of this movie is yet another reason to stereotype an entire generation we know as millennials. Together with our dog Rudi we embarked on our biggest adventure yet. It's a cool dog, and the hosts are nice looking, but this is pretty tame stuff. Ein zweiter Happiness Moment, als die Protagonisten an Weihnachten wieder nach Deutschland kommen und Felix‘ halbnackter, nichtsahnender Vater (natürlich in Boxershorts des Sponsors, was für ein Zufall) von den zwei Heimkehrern überrascht wird- die einzige Situation, in der richtiges Gelächter im Kino zu vernehmen war. So viel zu gutem Jornalismus! Alicia von Rittberg, Edin Hasanovic, Tim Oliver Schultz, Die besten Filme aller Zeiten: Usermeinung, Die besten Filme aller Zeiten: Pressemeinung, The Mortuary - Jeder Tod hat eine Geschichte, Mary Bauermeister - Eins plus Eins ist Drei Trailer DF, Aalto - Architektur der Emotionen Trailer OmdU. Even from someone who doesn't really like pets. Dann wird andauernd nur gemeckert, wenn etwas nicht klappt - anstelle sich dankbar zu zeigen, dass man so eine Erlebnis erleben darf. It only takes our protagonist a few weeks in a Canadian national park to come to this realization which he then proudly presents to his camera while putting his sophisticated selfie-vlog techniques to use. To enable Verizon Media and our partners to process your personal data select 'I agree', or select 'Manage settings' for more information and to manage your choices. The hard work was tiring and we had to deal with a lot of setbacks, like a massive hole in the floor or a leaking ceiling. Actress Maria Ehrich and journalist Manuel Vering go in early 2018 on a world tour, which lasts seven months. This "documentary" only made me sad about this generation. Bewerte auch die Reise der beiden kritisch: tonnenschwerer Bus, der extrem viel Sprit braucht, für viel Geld umgebaut. Von einer Dokumentation über einen Roadtrip von Alaska auf der Panamerica gen Süden erwarte ich mir über Landschaft, Leute und Kultur zu erfahren. Both Simile and Spoiler - Like A Camping Trip With Neither Fire Nor Tent. They tore out the seats and refurbished the bus into a cozy loft-on-wheels with a kitchenette, bedroom, shower room, and small bathroom with a composting toilet. Wow. Meh.. Traveling the vast spaces of an enormous continent in search of something more. But no, let's make it heavy af AND boring af with all the useless white and storebought crap. I love hip outdoor landscapes, and chill soundtracks, but this travel doc simply missed the mark. Aber das ist bei einem mit Nespresso-Kapselkaffeemaschine, Gasgrill und sonstigen Pipapo ausgestatteten Schulbus auch nicht so wichtig. Ich fand es einfach unerträglich mitanzusehen, wie blauäugig und unreflektiert die beiden an die ganze Sache herangegangen sind. Only 4 weeks later we were on the plane to the states with a lot of camera equipment to document everything. It's a movie about uneducated hipsters who try to kill their poor dog. Where to begin. But complaining about the visa process and every border crossing as if the immigration officers are the crazy ones for thinking that a renovated bus/house is something that raises red flags is ridiculous. We didn’t have to stay on campgrounds and could choose the most beautiful spots in the middle of nowhere.

We traveled to glaciers, crossed deserts and the jungle. © As a marine biologist, Riley might spend weeks on his own, out…, Progressives Wenig inspiration und ein extrem aaroganter Felix bei der Prämiere. HuffPost is part of Verizon Media. Why Germany? Ein selbstverliebtes, naives Hipsterpärchen, das sich einen Bus in ein Luxuswohnmobil umbaut und sich 90 Minuten lang selbst in Szene setzt. z. Banff NP, San Miguel de Allende, Death Valley. A lot went wrong because we both didn’t know what we were doing at all. FAQ Looking for a movie the entire family can enjoy?